Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Everett Exorcism (World of Shadows #1) by Lincoln Cole



Five "Demonic Danger" Stars

Demonic Vibes!

A small taste of what lies within:

The town of Everett, Washington is overrun with demons as they have invaded the townspeople to the point of Father Niccolo Paladina (an exorcist) coming from the Vatican to investigate what is happening in the town. Father Paladina along with Father Jackson Reynolds who is the priest of the catholic church in the town try to delve into why the demons have taken over the town.

There are a mix of characters in the book including a demon hunter named Arthur who knows all about demons and wants to help the priests with exorcising them from the town. Even though Father Paladina is an exorcist, he has never performed an actual exorcism before, so he is a little wobbly in his faith of actually believing demons exist until things spiral out of control in the town and he has to come to terms with his faith to proceed with doing what needs to be done to exorcising the demons!

That is about all I can give out with a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This was my second time reading the book as there are more books in the series now so will be continuing on with book two as book one was left sort of on a cliff hanger so I need to see what happens next to continue on with the story.

This was a very spooky read and tons of demonic vibes are pulsing throughout this story. At times it seemed that the book could be compared to a true demonic non-fiction book as the author just grabbed every aspect of that "real" feeling that you get when reading the true demonic stories. The pace is fast once things start happening in the story as the more I read of the book the faster the pace becomes. Will be continuing on with the series as there are two more books to go. 

Attached is the author, Lincoln Cole, profile page from Goodreads:

Lincoln Cole

Attached is the author, Lincoln Cole, profile page from Amazon:

Lincoln Cole

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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