Sunday, January 22, 2023

Ghost Town by Mark Lukens



Five "Suspenseful Mystery" Stars

Nail-Biting and Twisted Fun!

A small taste of what lies within:

What would you do if you went to sleep in your bed and then woke up somewhere in the desert with five strangers? You would be flipping out, right? 

That is what happens to six strangers as they end up in the desert not knowing how they were transported there. The mystery deepens for the six people (Beth, Adam, Eugene, Tony, Carla and Ray) as they try to figure out why they are there, but when they see what looks to be a town of some kind in the distance and they make their way there things become even stranger as they all have to work together to figure out how to solve the puzzle of what is happening to them and how they can get out of their situation so they can go home!

That is about all I can give on a small taste as if that has intrigued you then go read this book!


This story was one twisted mystery and when I first started reading it I became captured in what was happening within the story to the point I could not put the book down as I wanted to find out what was going on with these characters. Very fast paced and I really didn't see the major twist coming till it hit me as I was so wrapped within the story that I never saw that rug pulled out from under me! lol  

I have read a couple of books by this author before and really enjoyed them. I do own a few more by him on my kindle that I need to step into at some point. This story though took me on a twisted roller coaster ride! 

Attached is the author, Mark Lukens, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Mark Lukens, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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