Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Cabin by Matt Shaw


Four "Cabin Fever " Stars

Tension Terror

A taste of what lies within:

Craig decides to go to a cabin that his dad owned years ago to get away from it all so that he can write his novel in peace and quiet. He takes his family with him so that they can all be together and stay in the cabin. The road trip to the cabin though is rippled with all kinds of bad decisions on Craig's part and things seem to go wrong quickly for all of them. 

By the time they get to the cabin - the place is a mess and needs to be cleaned as it looks like there have been squatters hanging out there, so Craig decides to make his family go stay with relatives while he takes care of cleaning up the cabin to make it livable. While they are gone Craig has things happen at the cabin with screams and bangs which makes Craig wonder what is happening and he has to figure out how to solve the problem.

That is about all I can give on a taste without giving away spoilers, so if you want to know more you will need to read the book!


Normally books by Matt Shaw have loads of extreme situations with blood and gore laced throughout the storyline, but this book has none of that - it is more of a psychological horror thriller laced with ghosts/hauntings. The main character, Craig drove me batty as he made all the wrong decisions in the story as things happened on the road trip before they even arrived at the cabin which drives up the tension and suspense. 

This story is short too - topping out at only 90 pages, but there were quite a few twists and turns within the story with a major twist at the end which gave me a shock. There is a second book which I will be moving into today as this book sort of ended on a cliff hanger and I need to see what happens next. 

Attached is the author, Matt Shaw, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Matt Shaw, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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