Saturday, February 19, 2022

Gloop! by David Brian



Four "The Bog Is My Friend" Stars

Friends Forever!

A small taste of what lies within:

Alice Cluer is out with her family enjoying a day of fun and sun until she retrieves a ball for her brother that ends up in a briar patch with some bog muck. When Alice decides to go after it since she is small enough to grab the ball she ends up meeting a "bog" entity. Years later when she is older the entity is still with her and seems to be a part of her, but having a bog friend is not what all it seems to be as sometimes it will want to show its true power! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read the book for yourself!


This is a short book - under 50 pages, but it was an engrossing short read which I finished within 45 minutes. The author grabbed me right away and slowly drew me into the story as when the character Alice meets the entity friend in the bog the story breaks wide open when the story is hurled forward into the future to the teenage years of Alice and you see what the entity is in all its glory. 

I have read a few books by this author and I am always surprised at what he comes up with next! At the end of the book though I had to grab my gore suit quickly as there was some bloody parts strewn around the pages of the story! Another great book added to my ever growing collection of books by this author!

Attached is the author, David Brian, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, David Brian, profile page from Amazon:

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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