Sunday, November 14, 2021

Swamp Monster Massacre by Hunter Shea



Five "Mad Monster" Stars

Swamp Stomp and Romp!

A small taste of what lies within:

A tourist boat filled with tourists is getting ready to head out to the Everglades when it is hijacked by a criminal that ends up taking the boat deep into the swamp. The tourists fight for control of the boat but with severe consequences as they crash into a "creature" on a small island killing it.  

There are a family of "creatures" that are not happy when one of their own is killed which results in angry creatures that want revenge! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste as you will need to read my full review on Goodreads. 


This was a classic creature feature romp by author, Hunter Shea with lots of creature action mixed with blood and gore! I had to wear my waterproof gore suit for this book (lol) as there was quite a bit of blood spray and gore parts that were being splattered within the pages!

When I first sat down to read the book there is action right away with the criminal and from that point on in the story after the killing of the creature the pace of the book stays constant with creature "fur" action and doesn't let up till the end of the book!

For my full review of the book, Swamp Monster Massacre, by author, Hunter Shea, please see my review from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Goodreads:

Attached is the author, Hunter Shea, profile page from Amazon:

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