Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 My laptop crashed and the Book Nook Retreat facebook is locked up and I cannot access it any longer as it was tied into that Edge browser that was on my laptop. When I try to access that facebook it gives me a notification that it wants to send a message to my device (that laptop) to get permission to open up on another device and since the laptop no longer works then I cannot access that notification.

What does this mean to you?  It means that when I buy a new laptop later this week then I will need to create a new facebook and refriend everyone. Maybe. I won't know till I can see what I can do. If it doesn't let me access it then will have to go completely new once again. 

Luckily I was able to access my blog as it is on Google so that was easy. However all my artwork that was stored on my laptop is now gone but thankfully a lot of it is stored on this blog.

This is the only way that I could get a message out to all of you. My friend Angel Gelique added a comment to my coffee post that I put up yesterday morning to let everyone know I was broke down with the laptop. But thought I would also post a blog announcement on here too about it.

I hope to be up and running by the weekend maybe. 

Thank you all for your support and understanding! 


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. Technology is great - until it isn't. Hope you can get and running again soon, Marie!

    1. Thank you so much Cat. I did finally get into that facebook acct but still going to need to buy a new laptop which should be tomorrow sometime. I agree about technology - when things go wrong it causes stress.
