Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Handyman by Bentley Little



Five "Suspensefully Scary" Stars

Nightmare Spooks!

A small taste of what lies within:

Something is a little off with handyman, Frank Watkins as Daniel Martin remembers the man was not quite right in the head and the things he would say and do frightened Daniel when he was growing up. Now that he is a man Daniel remembers what he went through with Frank being a neighbor and he sets off to find Frank to put his mind at ease, but what he finds in his quest to hunting Frank down is more questions than answers and lots of scary factors in between which makes Daniel's hunt for Frank a mission of urgency! 

That is about all I can hand out on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This story by author, Bentley Little was one spooky ride into a haunted realm of suspense, mystery, and terror! I loved this story so much and it gave me shivering quivers as I would read this book late into the night!  This book reminds me of when I first started reading Bentley Little way back in the late 90's. 

The story just grabbed me and took me down into a deep pit of "spooks and scares" along with a twisted ride into suspense and tons of mystery that surrounds the handyman character, Frank Watkins. 

The author keeps the mystery of this character wrapped up tight all the way to the end of the story and only lets the reader get a small glimpse of why the handyman is the way he is throughout the book. The build up of terror starts out slow and makes its way steady throughout the book till the last part of the book when everything seems to go into overdrive as more things are being revealed! Once again the author took me on a "ride of terror" as I careened along to the end of the story! 

I have more books by this author simmering on my kindle and will jump back into his work later this year. 

Attached is the author, Bentley Little, profile page from Goodreads:

Bentley Little

Attached is the author, Bentley Little, profile page from Amazon:

Bentley Little

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review