Saturday, January 13, 2024

Bite Force (Jack Daniels #20) by J.A. Konrath



Five "Blood and Bullets" Stars

Action Packed!

A small taste of what lies within:

Jack is back with Phin and their daughter Sam along with Harry as they deal with two killers that are somehow lurking around in the hospital where Jack, Phin, and Harry are located while they have their injuries looked after. They are not sure how they will go about trying to hunt down the two killers since all three of them are confined to a hospital bed but they will need to do something quick as the killers are making their rounds and all three of them might be next!

That is about all I can give on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book and series. 


This book once again has some chuckles as Harry throws out his quips quite a bit but there is also some tense action in this story as things become heated when the baddies in this book start causing some upheaval. Quite a bit of the book is fast paced and I kept turning my kindle pages at the speed of light to find out what was going to happen next!

As the story flows along with more and more action, the book became hard to put down the more I kept reading. There were quite a few twists and turns in this one as you never quite knew who the baddies were till way later in the story so there was quite a bit of suspense and mystery throughout most of the story with wondering "who" the baddies were as the author kept that secret well hidden throughout the story. 

Another great book in this series and planning on moving ahead with the next book soon. 

Attached is the author, J.A. Konrath, profile page from Goodreads:

J A Konrath

Attached is the author, J.A. Konrath, profile page from Amazon:

J A Konrath

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review