Thursday, January 4, 2024

Stitched Together by Juliet Rose


Five "Spooky Shivers" Stars

Suspensefully Creepy!

A small taste of what lies within:

A sewing shop goes up in a small town which gives some of the townspeople pause as nothing hardly ever happens there but a few teenager friends want to investigate more closely of why anyone would build a sewing shop there.  What they learn and see is beyond their comprehension as the sewing shop is really a front for evil and the friends will do whatever it takes to make sure their town is safe!

That is about all I can hand out on a small taste as this book is short novella and any more details would be spoilers. So if you are intrigued then go read this book!


This was my second book by this author and once again I barreled through the book quick as so much was happening that I could not put it down! I literally read the whole book in one sitting as that is how much I was involved in the story!

Fast paced, spooky happenings, breath hitching moments, and loss of sleep (insomnia attack - read a spooky book - lol) kept me moving at a high rate of speed! Another great book by this author and it will be going on my favorites shelf! 

Attached is the author, Juliet Rose, profile page from Goodreads:

Juliet Rose

Attached is the author, Juliet Rose, profile page from Amazon:

Juliet Rose

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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