Friday, July 14, 2023

Paradise Club by Tim Meyer



Five "Twisted Terror" Skulls

Total Gore Carnage!

A small taste of what lies within:

Elliott along with his wife Vanessa and their two children, Gwen and Zach have won a vacation to a private island called Paradise along with a few hundred other people. The only red flag that jumps out at them is when they exit the ferry they are required to leave their cell phones with the island staff. 

They are not allowed any type of communication devices for their week stay on the island. Elliott finds that odd as Elliott's FBI senses go into high gear but he complies as he thinks that at some point they will get their phones back but he could not be more wrong as what happens next will totally blow his mind and every other guest on the island as Paradise becomes hell on earth when the guests find out that there are psycho killers on the island and there is no where to run! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This book doesn't take long to jump right into the fray as things start to heat up quick when the guests arrive on the island - no one has time to take advantage of anything on the island before the crap hits the fan and when it does the whole book is a swimming bloody mess of gore and goo! 

Author, Tim Meyer has become one of my favorite authors as every book I have read so far just grabs me from the "get-go" and throws me into stories filled with lots of blood action and lots of sleepless nights while wading through bits of blood and bone! This book turns into a violent and brutal romp into the deep and dark recesses of this author's mind! 

There was a major twist near the end of the book that I didn't see coming and pulled the rug out from under me! Total crazy twist! But a fun twist as I was not expecting it which surprises are always a good thing! 

Buckle up as you climb inside the gore train and remember grab that complimentary gore suit before boarding as you are going to need it! 

Attached is the author, Tim Meyer, profile page from Goodreads:

Tim Meyer

Attached is the author, Tim Meyer, profile page from Amazon:

Tim Meyer

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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