Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Cliffhouse Haunting by Tamara Thorne and Alistair Cross


Five "Spooky Spine Shivers" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

The Cliffhouse Lodge has been around since 1887 and it holds a dark secret past as there was a murder back in the 1920's by a serial killer called the Bodice Ripper along with some other dark happenings in the past and the ghost of the Blue Lady. Now there are murders happening in the town and the Blue Lady walks the streets once again. Will the townspeople be able to protect the town and learn who or what is behind the murders? 

No spoilers here as if you want to know more then you will have to go read this book! 


This book had tons of spooky vibes weaved within the story and there is quite a bit of haunting action as well! Once again I was transported into the world of both these authors as the story flows smoothly along and stays on quick pace of spooky happenings. Loved all the characters in this book along with supporting characters as they all seemed to be fleshed out well. I am looking forward to reading more books by these authors in the future as I own quite of few books by both of them. 

Attached is the author, Tamara Thorne, profile page from Goodreads:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the author, Tamara Thorne, profile page from Amazon:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the website of author, Tamara Thorne:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Goodreads:

Alistair Cross

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Amazon:


Attached is the website of author, Alistair Cross:

Alistair Cross

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

Monday, March 3, 2025

Consumed by Evil (The Newport Curse #2) by John Durgin



Five "Creepy Evil Vibes" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

The town of Newport is once more in the limelight as the evil that consumed the town is back with a vengeance and the friends (Howie, Corey, and Bethany) are once again in the evil clutches of what lies within the town. There is no escape this time around and the friends will need to do whatever they can to make sure that Newport is a safe place to live once again! 

That is about all I can give out with a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book! Though you will need to read the first book to understand what takes place in this book. 


This book was filled with everything evil this time around including demons and there was tons more blood and gore action too! The pace of the book moves fast and I read the last half of the book within about three hours! The evil penetrates deep within this story and the characters of Howie, Corey, and Bethany were brought forth closer within this story as you can feel how their friendship has grown. 

The author, John Durgin has the magical ability to weave the story around the reader and make them feel that they are part of the story. I could feel the evil vibes pulsating throughout the book and it felt like I was there experiencing everything the characters were having to go through as well. 

This book seemed scarier to me then the first book as there was quite a bit of occult happenings within this book and more creepy situations. Another great book by this author and it is going on my favorites shelf. 

Attached is the author, John Durgin, profile page from Goodreads:

John Durgin

Attached is the author, John Durgin, profile page from Amazon:

John Durgin

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Sunday, March 2, 2025

My Evil Fucking Neighbor by Crystal Lake Publishing & Sinister Smile Press (a division of Crystal Lake Publishing)



Four "Beware Naughty Neighbors" Stars

Since this book is an anthology then I will be listing out a handful of stories to just give you a small idea of what lies inside this book and I am handing out a cryptic note next to the stories listed on here. I did enjoy all 14 stories that are within the pages of this book but do not want to give too much away about what lies inside as the readers will need to experience the stories first hand.

Jay Bower

Pine Ridge Homeowners Association: "Welcome to the neighborhood or welcome to hell". 

M J Mars

The Moondial:  "Don't mess with the moondial or else...."

Candace Nola:

Toddler Toy Graveyard:  "Nosy neighbor gets just rewards"

Mike Salt

Agoraphobia: "Not of this world"

Nick Roberts 

Come to the Shed: "Normal shed or maybe not?" 

Megan Stockton

Solitary: "What is really going on behind the prison bars?" 


This was a great collection of neighbor stories gone wrong. Lots of extreme situations and the foreword by author, Duncan Ralston puts the book more into perspective of what to expect within all the stories. So if you live close to neighbors you might want to look closer at them as you never know what goes on behind closed doors. 

Website of Crystal Lake Publishing:

Crystal Lake Publishing

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Crimson Corset (The Vampires of Crimson Cove #1) by Alistair Cross


Five "Vicious Vamps" Stars

Vampires Galore! 

A small taste of what lies within:

Crimson Cove is a small town in California that harbors an ancient and evil secret where creatures of the night roam and play. Cade Colter decides to move into town and stay with his brother Brooks but doesn't realize the danger that is simmering within the town as there lies within Crimson Cove vampires that are gearing up for a war and the brothers seem to end up in the middle of the fight! 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you are intrigued then go read this book and series!


This story just grabbed me from the get-go as I do love to read vampire stories and this one has tons of action above the sheets and beneath the sheets as well! Lots of steamy sex action that was making my mirrors in my room foggy! πŸ˜†

There is tons of other action too along with lots of suspense, disappearances, and murder. The pace of the story was slow at first with background world building and the introduction of characters as there are quite a few characters within the story but then the book picks up speed and things start rolling along at a faster pace. I was literally up till 4 am one morning reading this story as I just could not put it down! Read about 30% within a couple of hours! 

I loved all the characters in this story as the author goes into some back stories with some of the characters to round them out and the characters begin to mesh well within the story. Looking forward to continuing on with the series as there are a few books to read yet and I own them all. 

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Goodreads:

Alistair Cross

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Amazon:


Attached is the website of author, Alistair Cross:

Alistair Cross

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Five Nights in a Haunted Cabin by Tamara Thorne & Alistair Cross



Five "Spooky Boo" Stars

Creepy Haunting!


I am not doing my traditional small taste with this blog review as there would be spoilers so going to just give out my thoughts on the story. 

This is a true paranormal/haunting tale where the authors, Tamara Thorne and Alistair Cross got together to collaborate on a book and decided to work on the book in a haunted cabin out in the backwoods in California. This was kind of a short book but there was quite a bit of haunting happenings within the story that kept me glued to my kindle! 

This book was one creepy story and I love to read about true ghost/paranormal stories. I have read quite a few of them in the last six or seven years. True hauntings always seem to creep me out. From what was told within these pages the story gives off major haunting vibes and everything that both authors experienced brought the visuals of what they were experiencing to life on the pages of the book!  Another great book by these authors and this book will be going on my favorites shelf. So if you want to experience the otherworldly side then go check out this book! 

Attached is the author, Tamara Thorne, profile page from Goodreads:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the author, Tamara Thorne, profile page from Amazon:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the website of author, Tamara Thorne:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Goodreads:

Alistair Cross

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Amazon:


Attached is the website of author, Alistair Cross:

Alistair Cross

My Goodreads Review:

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Five Deaths for Seven Songbirds by John Everson



Five "Thriller Killer" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Eve Springer has the opportunity to go to Belgium to play with the musical group the Songbirds and studying under the famous Professor Earnest Von Klein as she has been wanting to be a Songbird her whole life, but when she arrives there is a murder of one of the Songbirds. 

As she gets settled into the campus things go south as there is another murder of one of the Songbirds. Eve wonders what is happening and why are there murders when she just arrives. The murders throw suspicion toward Eve since she is a newcomer as she always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and the police will not leave her alone as things point in her direction but when more murders start happening everyone is wondering who it is and why are they killing the Songbirds!

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste so if you are intrigued then go grab this book! 


The author, John Everson pays homage to Giallo the Italian mystery thrillers and this story was one twisted, mysterious, suspenseful, heart beating ride! I love crime thrillers almost as much as I love horror and this story just kept me turning kindle pages with the speed of light as there is so much that happens within this story that there was no time to breathe!

There is tons of suspense and mystery with trying to figure out who the killer is but the author never lets it be known till the end of the book who is responsible for the murders. This book was one of the best crime thrillers I have read in awhile and I read the last half of the book within just a few short hours as I could not put it down! 

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Goodreads:

John Everson

Attached is the author, John Everson, profile page from Amazon:

John Everson

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Stones of Landane by Catherine Cavendish



Four "Magical Mystical Mystery" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

This book follows three timelines: 2023, 1900 and 1967

The 2023 timeline follows Nadia and Jonathan as Nadia loves the Stones of Landane and wants to share her passion of the stones with Jonathan but Jonathan soon learns that Nadia's obsession with the stones do not seem healthy for her mentality. 

The 1900 timeline follows Olivia and Grant as Olivia meets Grant on an archaeology quest with a team from Cambridge University that are interested in studying the stones, but Olivia's father is not happy with her being on an archaeological team as he thinks the stones have an evil influence on people.

The 1967 timeline follows Shelly and Vicki as they want to attend the Summer of Love festival but things become weird as they have odd dreams and do not know what is behind them, but when there are disappearances is when things go awry and they both wonder if it is attached to the stones. 

That is probably more than a small taste but I had to give a small backstory for each timeline to give an idea of what is in store with the mystery of the stones.  If you want to know more and are intrigued by these backstories then go grab this book and let the author take you into a magical mystical mystery of haunting suspense!


Once again I found myself captured by author Catherine Cavendish as she took me on a mysterious journey into the fictional world of Landane. 

The timelines of all three back stories for the characters goes into a deep depth of history with the stones and what happens when the characters are among the stones. Interesting enough the stories of the characters might be fictional but the history of the stones are real as there is such a place that does exist. 

Another great book by this author filled with haunting tones, suspense, and mysteries. 

Attached is the author, Catherine Cavendish, profile page from Goodreads:

Catherine Cavendish

Attached is the author, Catherine Cavendish, profile page from Amazon:

Catherine Cavendish

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Monday, February 10, 2025

Ghostlords (The Haunted Hamlet #4) by Jeff DeGordick



Five "Spooky Terror" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Simon Donatti is back in the last installment of The Haunted Hamlet series as his ghost hunter skills are about to be tested with the return of the Ghostlords! Simon along with the townspeople of Harrow's Hamlet are going to need to figure out what they will have to do to rid the town of the evil entities as the Ghostlords (a/k/a Phantom Lords) start laying waste to the town to resurrect one of their own! 

That is about all I can give out on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book and series! 


This story threw me back into the heat of things as it has been awhile since I read the series, but once the story took off I could hardly put the book down! The last half of the book had lots of haunting and sorcery action! Yes - there is sorcery/magic within this story and this book rocked with action as the character Simon and the townspeople had to try and stop the phantoms! 

This book kept me glued to my cozy chair as I wanted to see how everything was going to end and I was not disappointed as the author kept the story moving fast and kept me on my toes! It was a great way to end the series as it had like an epic ending. I have a few more books to read by this author which I will be stepping into more of his work soon. 

Attached is the author, Jeff DeGordick, profile page from Goodreads:

Jeff DeGordick

Attached is the author, Jeff DeGordick, profile page from Amazon:

Jeff DeGordick

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Housemaid is Watching by Freida McFadden



Five "Twisted Thriller" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Millie is back in the third installment and this time she is married to Enzo and she has two children (Nico and Ada). Millie and her family move to Long Island as they buy a house so that they can get out of their apartment. The neighborhood seems nice and quiet but Millie soon learns that not everything in the neighborhood is up to par and her neighbors are anything but what they seem. Millie wonders if her and her family did the right thing by moving into a new house and she realizes that they might have made a bad mistake with moving there! 

That is about all I can hand out on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more than go read this book and series!


This third installment was one crazy and twisted thriller ride that kept me reading at a fast pace!  The minute I started reading it I felt that I probably wouldn't be getting up from my cozy chair anytime soon and I was right as I was pulled immediately into the story.  

The author once again builds up the suspense of the story and by the time that I got past the 50% mark the story went into a tailspin of a twisted mess that kept me turning the pages of my kindle at breakneck speed! I literally read the last half of the book in about 3 hours as I could not put the book down! 

Another great book by this author and I am hoping that the author will continue with this series as it seems that each book gets better and better!

Attached is the author, Freida McFadden, profile page from Goodreads:

Freida McFadden

Attached is the author, Freida McFadden, profile page from Amazon:

Freida McFadden

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon



Four "Supernatural Suspense" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Two timelines - early 1900's and Present Day

Alice along with her two daughters, Ruthie and Fawn are living in a house that has been around for over a hundred years. Mysterious things slowly seem to happen within the house and then one day Ruthie comes home to find that her mother has disappeared. The mystery of the disappearance is wrapped around a woman that lived in the house a hundred years ago and as Ruthie tries to find out what happened to her mother she ends up digging into the past realizing that something from back then is responsible for her mother's disappearance. 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book!


This book was deeply mysterious as the author goes deep into the one timeline from the 1900's as there is lots of backstory on those characters and then goes deep into the present day with the mother's disappearance. The story stays at a steady pace throughout the book. I did not become bored with any of the story as the author goes into a lot of detail within both timelines. I would consider this story to be a historical mystery supernatural suspense story more than I would actual horror.  There was more of a suspense and mystery feel to the book with the supernatural weaved into the story.  

I loved all the characters in this book as I made my way through the story line and was pleased that the story kept the mystery of what was happening to almost the end of the book. All in all I enjoyed the story. This was my second book by this author and look forward to reading more of her work in the future. 

Attached is the author, Jennifer McMahon, profile page from Goodreads:

Jennifer McMahon

Attached is the author, Jennifer McMahon, profile page from Amazon:

Jennifer McMahon

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Lost Minds, Wandering Souls (A Collection of Short Horror Fantasy Stories) by George Adamczyk



Four "Twisted Short Stories" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

I am not really going to do a small taste on here as this book held four short stories so I will just give a tiny cryptic note on each one:

Nap Demon: A young man has dream state terrors that include a demon - real or imagined remains to be seen.

The Halloween Closet: A boy never has to worry about what to wear for Halloween.

You'd Be Dangerous: A man loses something of vital importance in his body after a shooting that gives new meaning to what we as humans are able to live with after a crisis. 

Shakespeare in Limbo: Emotions with a twist of possible illusion. 

That is about all I can hand out with a small taste and some cryptic notes without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book of short stories!


First time reading this author and all the stories had some kind of twist to them but my favorite out of all four was the Halloween Closet. I also thought the story You'd Be Dangerous was a different concept on how we all live with injuries and what we have to go through to deal with them. 

All in all the stories were kind of fast paced and all of them kept my attention span lively as I found myself getting caught up in the stories. There are more books in this series of short story collections which I will be stepping into soon as I want to see what other twists author, George Adamczyk throws my way. 

Attached is the author, George Adamczyk, profile page from Goodreads:

George Adamczyk

Attached is the author, George Adamczyk, profile page from Amazon:

George Adamczyk

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Monday, January 13, 2025

Reptile by Jeremy Eads



Five "Silver Claw Action" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Mark Branton doesn't know what is happening in his hometown of Summit Valley as there are bodies being murdered savagely. 

Mark thinks he has entered a dream state of some kind as he sees a man that can also enter his thoughts at will but Mark soon learns that whatever is killing people is somehow connected to him as Mark's body has changes going on which will affect those around him as Mark has been chosen to become a creature of myth and the elusive dream state man is a part of it all! 

That is about all I can hand out on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you are intrigued then go read this book!


Wow!! This story took me on one hell of a cool ride into not only horror, but also a mythical ride into fantasy as well! The pace of the story was a little slow in the beginning as there was some world building but once the stage was set for the characters and the town the story took off! 

The last half of the book I read in a few short hours as once the momentum of the story kicked in then I had a hard time putting down the book! I was entranced with how the book turned toward a horror/fantasy story as the author delved deep into a creature feature realm that involved mythical creatures. 

The last half of the book I was literally flying through the story as the action picks up to the point that I could not put the book down and wanted to keep reading it to the end as I wanted to see where the author was going to take me! This was my second book by this author and I am looking for more stories that will take me on hell rides of zesty action fun! 

Attached is the author, Jeremy Eads, profile page from Goodreads:

Jeremy Eads

Attached is the author, Jeremy Eads, profile page from Amazon:

Jeremy Eads

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review