Sunday, December 10, 2023

Slay Bells Ring by J.D. Allen



Four "Holiday Horrors" Stars

Creepy Collection of Stories

I am not doing a small taste this time as this book is a collection of Christmas horror stories that will draw blood and then mix it in with all the Christmas cheer of the holiday!

Stories and poems in this book are as follows:

The Twelve Nights of Christmas

Silent Nights

Maul Santa

The Snowman

I'm Dreaming of a Red Christmas 

The Christmas Carolers of Chaos

Snow Angels


Down Thru the Chimney


Secret Santa

Do Not Open Till Christmas! 

He Sees You When You're Sleeping - He Knows When You're Awake

The Gingerbread Men

T'Was The Night After Christmas


All the stories and poems were great! I enjoyed all of them so it is hard to pick favorites out of this collection!

Holiday stories are fun to read especially when there are horrors that lie within them and this book had a few story collections of Christmas stories gone wrong and weird. There are also a few poems too that were fun to read. All in all a great collection of the bizarre and strange of Christmas horror stories. 

Attached is the author, J.D. Allen, profile page from Goodreads:

J D Allen

Attached is the author, J.D.Allen, profile page from Amazon:

J D Allen

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review


  1. Thank you for this wonderful review. Happy Haunted Holidays!

  2. Very cool, BNR. Glad to hear you had another festive winner.

    1. Just now seeing this comment Jeffrey! Thank you so much! :)
