Saturday, December 2, 2023

My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix



Five "Daunting Demonic" Stars

Dread and Suspense!

A small taste of what lies within:

Abby along with her best friend, Gretchen have been through everything together ever since the fifth grade but now that they both are in high school things have taken a slight turn. Abby and Gretchen along with two other friends, Glee and Margaret end up having a get together out in the woods to have some fun but when Gretchen wanders off and gets lost (or so it seems) out in the woods she comes back out of the woods....different.  Something is off but Abby cannot put her finger on what it is so she just ignores it. 

Abby is befuddled though as Gretchen starts acting more withdrawn and seems to just not be the same but Abby is determined that with them being best friends then friendship will win out no matter what and Abby will do whatever takes to find out what happened to Gretchen when she got lost in the woods and to find out how she can draw her friend out of whatever dark place has taken her. Abby is going to have a fight on her hands when she realizes that her best friend Gretchen has been taken over by demonic forces and her friend, Gretchen is lost within herself as evil has taken a hold of her best friend! 

That is about all I can give on a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book!


I felt that this book was a coming of age story as this book shows a lot about friendships that you make when you are young and how best friends just grow together through the years. The story just grabbed me right away as it is set in the time of the early 80's so there is a lot of mentions of that era. The book starts out a little slow with background info on the friends and the different things they endure together as they grow up. 

The demonic/occult action is a slow buildup as Grady Hendrix just gradually weaves in how the demonic force slowly took over the character, Gretchen. It seems subtle at first which takes up the first half of the book but the last half of the book is where it all hits the fan and things begin happening faster as the story progresses. 

This is my fourth book by this author and I am hungry for more! I love Hendrix writing style as he slowly draws the reader into his world and then pummels them with wild action throughout the storyline. Looking forward to reading more by Hendrix as he has a few more books out there that I need to lay my hands on! 

Attached is the author, Grady Hendrix, profile page from Goodreads:

Grady Hendrix

Attached is the author, Grady Hendrix, profile page from Amazon:

Grady Hendrix

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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