Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Cliffhouse Haunting by Tamara Thorne and Alistair Cross


Five "Spooky Spine Shivers" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

The Cliffhouse Lodge has been around since 1887 and it holds a dark secret past as there was a murder back in the 1920's by a serial killer called the Bodice Ripper along with some other dark happenings in the past and the ghost of the Blue Lady. Now there are murders happening in the town and the Blue Lady walks the streets once again. Will the townspeople be able to protect the town and learn who or what is behind the murders? 

No spoilers here as if you want to know more then you will have to go read this book! 


This book had tons of spooky vibes weaved within the story and there is quite a bit of haunting action as well! Once again I was transported into the world of both these authors as the story flows smoothly along and stays on quick pace of spooky happenings. Loved all the characters in this book along with supporting characters as they all seemed to be fleshed out well. I am looking forward to reading more books by these authors in the future as I own quite of few books by both of them. 

Attached is the author, Tamara Thorne, profile page from Goodreads:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the author, Tamara Thorne, profile page from Amazon:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the website of author, Tamara Thorne:

Tamara Thorne

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Goodreads:

Alistair Cross

Attached is the author, Alistair Cross, profile page from Amazon:


Attached is the website of author, Alistair Cross:

Alistair Cross

My Goodreads Review:

My Review

Monday, March 3, 2025

Consumed by Evil (The Newport Curse #2) by John Durgin



Five "Creepy Evil Vibes" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

The town of Newport is once more in the limelight as the evil that consumed the town is back with a vengeance and the friends (Howie, Corey, and Bethany) are once again in the evil clutches of what lies within the town. There is no escape this time around and the friends will need to do whatever they can to make sure that Newport is a safe place to live once again! 

That is about all I can give out with a small taste so if you want to know more then go read this book! Though you will need to read the first book to understand what takes place in this book. 


This book was filled with everything evil this time around including demons and there was tons more blood and gore action too! The pace of the book moves fast and I read the last half of the book within about three hours! The evil penetrates deep within this story and the characters of Howie, Corey, and Bethany were brought forth closer within this story as you can feel how their friendship has grown. 

The author, John Durgin has the magical ability to weave the story around the reader and make them feel that they are part of the story. I could feel the evil vibes pulsating throughout the book and it felt like I was there experiencing everything the characters were having to go through as well. 

This book seemed scarier to me then the first book as there was quite a bit of occult happenings within this book and more creepy situations. Another great book by this author and it is going on my favorites shelf. 

Attached is the author, John Durgin, profile page from Goodreads:

John Durgin

Attached is the author, John Durgin, profile page from Amazon:

John Durgin

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

Sunday, March 2, 2025

My Evil Fucking Neighbor by Crystal Lake Publishing & Sinister Smile Press (a division of Crystal Lake Publishing)



Four "Beware Naughty Neighbors" Stars

Since this book is an anthology then I will be listing out a handful of stories to just give you a small idea of what lies inside this book and I am handing out a cryptic note next to the stories listed on here. I did enjoy all 14 stories that are within the pages of this book but do not want to give too much away about what lies inside as the readers will need to experience the stories first hand.

Jay Bower

Pine Ridge Homeowners Association: "Welcome to the neighborhood or welcome to hell". 

M J Mars

The Moondial:  "Don't mess with the moondial or else...."

Candace Nola:

Toddler Toy Graveyard:  "Nosy neighbor gets just rewards"

Mike Salt

Agoraphobia: "Not of this world"

Nick Roberts 

Come to the Shed: "Normal shed or maybe not?" 

Megan Stockton

Solitary: "What is really going on behind the prison bars?" 


This was a great collection of neighbor stories gone wrong. Lots of extreme situations and the foreword by author, Duncan Ralston puts the book more into perspective of what to expect within all the stories. So if you live close to neighbors you might want to look closer at them as you never know what goes on behind closed doors. 

Website of Crystal Lake Publishing:

Crystal Lake Publishing

My Goodreads Review:

My Review