Friday, February 16, 2024

Smile: Behind the Lens of the Dating Game Killer by Ryan Green



Four "Evil Killer" Stars

I am not doing a small taste just giving out thoughts about the book. 


This story was the most in-depth I have ever read of the Dating Game killer. Even though the story was less than 200 pages the author was able to get tons of information crammed into the book about the killer and all the victims. This killer was one smooth talker and was able to lure his victims easily to go with him as he used a photography angle to get them. What the victims families went through was sad and at least the killer is no longer around. All of the things the killer did to his victims was shocking and disturbing.

This book is not for the faint of heart, however if you like to read true crime stories and like to see how justice is served then pick up this book, but be warned - there are some graphic details within this story.

If you want to read a full informational story on this killer this is the book. I am going to check out more of the author's work as I would parallel him to the late true crime author Ann Rule with details and background research. 

Attached is the author, Ryan Green, profile page from Goodreads:

Ryan Green

Attached is the author, Ryan Green, profile page from Amazon:

Ryan Green

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

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