Monday, February 10, 2025

Ghostlords (The Haunted Hamlet #4) by Jeff DeGordick



Five "Spooky Terror" Stars

A small taste of what lies within:

Simon Donatti is back in the last installment of The Haunted Hamlet series as his ghost hunter skills are about to be tested with the return of the Ghostlords! Simon along with the townspeople of Harrow's Hamlet are going to need to figure out what they will have to do to rid the town of the evil entities as the Ghostlords (a/k/a Phantom Lords) start laying waste to the town to resurrect one of their own! 

That is about all I can give out on a small taste without giving away spoilers so if you want to know more then go read this book and series! 


This story threw me back into the heat of things as it has been awhile since I read the series, but once the story took off I could hardly put the book down! The last half of the book had lots of haunting and sorcery action! Yes - there is sorcery/magic within this story and this book rocked with action as the character Simon and the townspeople had to try and stop the phantoms! 

This book kept me glued to my cozy chair as I wanted to see how everything was going to end and I was not disappointed as the author kept the story moving fast and kept me on my toes! It was a great way to end the series as it had like an epic ending. I have a few more books to read by this author which I will be stepping into more of his work soon. 

Attached is the author, Jeff DeGordick, profile page from Goodreads:

Jeff DeGordick

Attached is the author, Jeff DeGordick, profile page from Amazon:

Jeff DeGordick

Attached is my review from Goodreads:

My Review

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