Monday, April 27, 2020

Thoughts - Book Mistakes

My thoughts for today are about mistakes found in books.

I have never been one to care either way about mistakes found within pages of books as I think of it like this: We are all human and no one is perfect including authors. Sometimes people go into books hoping to find something wrong so that they can then bash the book through a review. To me this is not right as I feel that when I read a book I just want to sit down and lose myself in the story. So what if there are mistakes or errors in the book it shouldn't deter from the story. There is a saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" - well I am going to re-coin that phrase and say "Don't judge a book by its mistakes".

When I sit down to read a story, I am not going into the book wondering what mistakes I will find. I just want to travel out of my reality and lose myself in another realm. That is what books are all about.

So those are my thoughts for today. Happy reading folks! :)

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